Wednesday, November 11, 2009


As promised, here are some photos (finally!).

The only place I have found internet with a wide enough bandwidth to upload photos is in the capital city, so the next round of photos will have to wait until I am in Maputo again.

My bed with mosquito net
Me in my Project Puffin shirt and a capulana
Maura (aka Menina)
Mamá Joana and Menina

Ana (oldest host sister) and her son
Vovôs (grandmothers)

Hey look the mulungo can dance!

Mamá Joana, Me, Bernecia and tia, breaking it down

In a line, Bernecia is smiling

Mamá Joana presents a gift to Vovô

Vovô cuts the cake

Cake in the face

Extended host family members

Ana and me

Filó and cousins

Menina and Ortencia dressed up for Halloween






That's all for now. Next time I'll try and post some photos of the training village so you can get an idea of the surroundings.


  1. Hi Clancy,
    Your posts are great! I'm so glad to see the pictures of your host family and friends and some of the surroundings. It looks and sounds like you are all having a great time.
    Posting comments has been a mystery to me, hopefully I've got it right.
    Anyway, we all love the news, your writing is awesome as usual.
    Keep up the great work!
    Love Dad

  2. Yep, finally got it right :)

  3. Great pictures. This is going to sound so weird cause I mean I just saw you like 2 months ago and we're the same age, but you look so grown up in these shots!

    Anyway its torrentially downpouring here. ugh.

  4. Hi Clancy!
    What you're doing is're an inspiration!

  5. Hey Clancy!
    Love the pictures! It's great to see your host family and your surroundings.

    We're doing a final paper on National Geographic's portrayal of places in Human Geography and had to pick a place that we didn't know a whole lot about but had had some form of connection to. Mozambique fits that description for me. I'll have learned a lot about the history of the country by the end of the semester. Looking forward to it.

    Miss you kiddo,

  6. Everyone looks like they're having a good time! The pics are great. My fav is the one with you and Ana.
